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[机翻] Jagged/Notch基因家族的成员在损伤的动脉中表达,并通过改变细胞基质和细胞-细胞相互作用来调节细胞表型
摘要 : The Jagged/Notch signaling pathways control cell fate determination and differentiation, and their dysfunction is associated with human pathologies involving cardiovascular abnormalities. To determine the presence of these genes d... 展开

[机翻] 插图目录
[期刊]   Christina Booth   《Reference reviews》    2014年28卷3期      共2页
摘要 : The purpose of the Directory of Illustration, reviewed here in its electronic version but also available in print, is to advertise illustrators and provide them with portfolios. The illustrator has three alternatives when purchasi... 展开
